Eat Your Art Out! Jacqui Kelly creates life-size edible art studio
UK’s first edible art studio opens to public for Wimbledon Art Fair on 9 - 12 May
World record-breaking sugar artist Jacqui Kelly serves up a delicious, hyper-realistic art studio made from cake.
Visit Jacqui Kelly’s edible art studio in studio 24 at Wimbledon Art Fair
Wimbledon Art Fair will celebrate its 27th year with the opening of London’s first edible art studio made by Guinness World record holding food artist, Jacqui Kelly.
From 9 -12 May, the public are invited to indulge in slices of Jacqui’s edible art installation, a 46"x 22" rich chocolate genoese sponge filled with chocolate raspberry mousse, coated in milk chocolate buttercream and dark chocolate ganache.
Award-winning cake artist creates life-size edible art studio
The life-size paint pots, paintbrushes and replicas of famous artworks paintings are 100% edible. They include textured sugar paste artists canvas painted with edible paints, paintbrushes filled with strawberry laces and liquorice, orange chocolate matchstick pencils, white chocolate art palette, art sponges filled with toffee waffles, tubes of paint filled with toffee and fudge, and a peppermint cream water colour set.
The masterpiece took Jacqui 90 hours to make.
Visit Jacqui in studio 24 at Wimbledon Art Fair from the 9 - 12 May and create your own cake masterpiece.